"The Bio-Medical Research Lifecycle"

A chart that shows all the different stages in the lifecycle of a bio-medical research project.

The Bio-Medical Writing Experts.

Ktiva Biomedical specializes in bio-medical writing and employs experienced reserachers who have a talent for writing. All hold a PhD. They will assist you in all stages of the writing process, according to your needs and experience. Our fields of expertise are diverse, and they include Medical Sciences, Biology, Theoretical Biology, Bio-Technology, Neurobiology, Immunology, Cardiology, Interal Medicine and Biochemistry.

Bio-medical writing supports bio-medical researches and reports their findings. According to the research question that musst be answered, bio-medical research has many forms, including clinical trials, epidemiological trials and "Basic Science"-type laboratory research.

To prevent and diminish bias in research, bio-medical research projects are characterized by a strict adherence to design, execution and reporting practices. This is done in accordance to the strict efficacy, safety and reserach ethics requirements of the field. Therefore, bio-medical writing demands planning, patience, knowledge of accepted practices and norms, and most of all - experience.

Our experts can aide you in research design, research protocol writing, planning and condcuting statistical analysis, research proposal writing, grant application writing and academic article writing. Furthermore, they can also aide you by carefully, and meticulously, editing your scientific writing.

What do we promise you?

Professionalism. In each of the different stages of reserach, our services will enable you to efficiently test and execute your original ideas. Our researchers' experience and expertise will prevent setbacks and holdbaks in your research. These may be the result of technical problems or fundamental issues that stem from insufficient knowledge of protocol writing or lack of research experience.

Reliability. Our customers' privacy is important to us, and so we guard it. We respect the copyright and intellectual property of our customers, and thus are obligated not to upload any material that is sent from us to you, or vice versa, nor will we give it to third parties. This is not just an empty promise; we back it with a Secrecy Agreement which we sign, on your request.

Service. All our services are personalized for every customer in the good old fashioned way - by listening to you and your requirements in the beginning of the process. Your ability to keep your personal deadlines is important to us, and so we are committed to keep our projects' deadlines. Because you are at the center, we will give you polite, personal, and efficient service ,even if you work in a large company or a public organization.

Our customers include:

טלפון: 077-4250515 | פקס: 153-77-4250515 | info@ktivabio.com | ת.ד. 58, קיסריה